About 53,000 Americans have shoulder arthroplasty (shoulder replacement) surgeries each year. If you and your orthopedic doctor have tried conservative methods to control pain and loss of function, then it may be time for this advanced orthopedic procedure. Here is what you can expect from a top shoulder surgeon as you consider shoulder replacement surgery. […]
shoulder surgery in Maryland
The Role of Physical Therapy in Recovery of Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder surgery can be a daunting experience. However, the path to recovery doesn’t end in the operating room – it’s just the beginning. Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in helping patients regain strength, mobility, and function in their shoulder after surgery. It’s a journey from the initial post-surgery pain to the final stages of […]
The Role of Physical Therapy in Shoulder Surgery Recovery
The road to recovery from shoulder surgery usually includes physical therapy. After surgery, it is normal to experience stiffness and weakness, and some of the goals of physical therapy are to slowly restore the shoulder’s strength and range of motion. Patients go into surgery to see improvements in shoulder function. Patients who are committed to their […]
Minimally Invasive Shoulder Surgery: Benefits and Consideration
You need a good, working shoulder joint to be able to move your arm freely through its full range of motion. Any limitations due to factors such as pain, inflammation, and stiffness can make even the simplest things difficult. It is often when you’ve developed shoulder limitations that you realize how heavily dependent you are […]
Common Shoulder Conditions Requiring Surgery
Being one of the most mobile joints, the shoulder joint is susceptible to an array of injuries and conditions that cause pain and reduce the quality of life for many individuals. While several common shoulder conditions respond well to conservative treatments, others warrant shoulder surgery. Let’s explore some common shoulder joint conditions that demand surgical […]